Wednesday, October 13, 2010

In case you're having trouble... are some simple instructions to leave a comment for Laura...
  1. After reading the blog entry, click on "Comments" at the bottom of the blog post.

  2. Enter your comment in the "Leave Your Comment" box.

  3. Verify the funny looking word in the box below it. (That is there so we won't get lots of spam from computerized programs.)

  4. Click either "Google acct. ID" or "open ID" (I THINK there are options to create a Google acct. if you don't already have one. *****Remember to save your Google ID and password so you'll have it everytime you need it.)*****

  5. Click "Publish Your Comment."



mc said...

You look great with that pretty bald head!
Mary Celeste

Unknown said...

Thanks, Carrie--it can be confusing ;) I'm loving checking in frequently and really appreciate the updates and the photos! So wonderful that all four Hall sibs were able to be there this past weekend. I love you all, Olivia

Sandra said...

soooooooooo you heard I keep forgetting my password have you? Well I have written it down so all the comments that I write and then end up deleting will now be published!

Carrie said...

Good job, people! Keep the comments coming!

Love you, too, Olivia. It was nice to talk to you the other day...

And,Sandra, I didn't know exactly who was having trouble. I just knew people were finding it challenging. Glad I could help...
Thanks for being so good to Laura. I appreciate it more than you know!!

Sandra said...

Carrie, I am doing nothing for Laura that I know she would not do for me. That's the kind of woman she is!
Take care and don't worry...we've got her back :)

Carrie said...