Thursday, November 13, 2008

Another Day with Another Dr.

Laura went to a lung doctor and they performed a bronchoscopy. It was uncomfortable just preparing for the procedure, but Laura said all of the medical staff were kind. That helps! She didn't get any feedback from that doctor, but we hope to hear soon what the results of that test were.

She was told she shouldn't drive so her friend, Judy, took her to the appointment and stayed with her. When the procedure was over, she was told not to do anything for the rest of the day. When I spoke with her (about 5:30 Eastern) she was just about to go stir-crazy. Laura doesn't sit still easily, as most of you know.

She's going to "cheat" and go to the Chamber of Commerce dinner 'cause she feels fine -- she says.

I'm thankful for all the people in Leesburg who are making themselves available and who are loving her. I know there are lots of people out there who are doing things for her. To all of you, our family says "THANK YOU!"

Other news: Top Turkey starts tomorrow. The teachers are already being competitive. One teacher already has $75 from his students. Who will win?! Continue to tune in for updates.

We love you, Laura!
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kenzibrooke said...

mrs kitchens, you know i love you to death and me and brandon and missing you and both praying for you and i know that you are strong and can make it through this :]
i cant wait til your all better cause i know youll make sure everything is fine. just like you told me when you were talking to me at pre-k
love you to death
kenzi c.

G said...

Sitting around, I agree, is hard for Laura... Laura, sketch out a new set of outdoor furniture that utilizes Tennessee bamboo..You can spend lots of hours on a materials list... Or, if you should desire a new parquet garden path, I probably could go to the workshop and dig out a few more scraps of lumber... I can come up with any number of suggestions! Love ya all! Me

The Nifty Gifter said...

Hi Laura, I'm not sure what we would do without you, especially Papa because you are the best Zune fan. Just wait til he gets you hooked on Kindle! I'm thinking about you lots.
Love Celeste

Erika said...


I know that with your spunky personality, you will be able to fight this cancer. You were born into an amazing family and they are in this fight with you. You do not have to do this on your own. Let them be a part of the team and GoFightWin this cancer! I really enjoyed getting to know you and I will be praying for you everyday.


(Carrie’s friend in Bellingham)

melinda said...

Oh Laura we're so excited to read the good news from your website. I am a very positive thinking person, and I know you are just going to be fine in the end. Sure hope we get to see y'all over the some good ole fashioned food I want to get to Mary on Sunday pm for all of you on Turkey Day. We'll be checking on you daily...
Melinda & Aunt Ruby