Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Laura had a tough day today... Hard to get out of bed... Headache... Hard to eat and keep things down... Hungry anyway... Walked a little bit, though!

Lisa and Clif are so great. Lisa keeps up with all of Laura's medicines and takes her temp. Helps change her dressing and cleans her port (or whatever the official name of it is). Keeps up with all of Laura's appointments, too. Clif gives her good back rubs and helps take care of household-y things.Both of them check on Laura all day. And Emily calls often (and will be here soon!).  Laura sure does have some sweet children.

She has a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Praying there will be wisdom shared on how to take the meds and eat enough of the right kinds of foods (and keep them down) so that she can start to feel better. Eating and sleeping and lack of energy are the current hurdles.

Your continued prayers are appreciated.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

she also has some pretty amazing sisters and brother . . . just saying.