Thursday, February 3, 2011

Being in the hospital has many drawbacks... Being in the hospital with cancer and mouthsores, and backaches, and stomach issues is even LESS fun.

But, one of the perks for Laura is the view she gets from her window. Check out the sunsets!

The past couple of days have definitely been better than Saturday and Sunday. She is, however, feeling weak and shaky and her white blood count is the lowest it's ever been. That's expected, though.

But...her spirits are good and she sounds good when I talk to her.

Don't know yet exactly when she'll be able to go home from the hospital, but they're aiming for next week.

Thank you for your continued prayers for recovery and complete healing.

You people are SUMPTHIN' else!!  ♥


Sandra said...

I see God giving Laura a smile and a wink in the pictures. Laura do you see him? I do...I do!

Zuneamama said...

Everyday I feel and see his presence!