Friday, January 2, 2009

Two Pieces out of Three Pieces of Good News...

Laura is currently at the hospital waiting for her chemo treatment to begin.

She received lots of good news today, but right now I'm only going to share two of those with you -- want to save some for later. :-)

I didn't understand this the other day, but she actually had to give herself more than four days worth of shots of the Lovenox -- which helps thin her blood. Today, she received the news that she can stop the shots.

And... after having been on the Coumadin for a little over a week, the doctors said her INR level (which has to do with the thickness of the blood) is where it needs to be. That does not mean she can stop the Coumadin, but her body is behaving like they want it to -- or maybe even better.

Please tune in later today for photos and the last piece of very good news. :-)

1 comment:

G said...

WooWoo!!!! Lots of prayers were answered (and a bit of homage to the cocklebur talisman)! I can't wait to hear the other bit of good news. It was great to be able to talk to you yesterday. I am going to pay more attention to the beers that I consume on my vacations so that I can have an intelligent conversation with my friend who has savored the fruits of the labors of generations of beermeisters dating back to King Ludwig. I want to be able to talk 'malts and hops' vs 'malls and shops' where I obtain the Caribbean answers to Starkbierzeit. I'll be checking back often!! Love ya, Me