Thursday, January 22, 2009

Halfway there!!

Today was the fourth chemo treatment.

Right now, Laura feels very tired, but she doesn’t feel bad. She tells me all she did all day was lie around and get drugs. (Some people might think that’s the life!).

Dr. Jani said everything looked good and there’s still no sign of the tumor. Her INR numbers for the Coumadin were stable and they resumed the research drug today (Avastin). He was concerned about her exercising too much so she’s going to have to cut back. No upper body strength training at all. The doctor is concerned about her going to a gym where lots of germs are lurking, but didn’t actually tell her she couldn’t do the spinning class. He just told her to use discretion about that. Bottom line is: don’t do anything that she could get hurt doing. Hmm. Seems kind of broad, doesn’t it?

She’s a little discouraged about the recommendations about the gym and exercise, but she’s working on a plan to be safe AND to still be able to exercise.

Her skin is still breaking out and now her lips are starting to burn. She believes that she may have read the prescription wrong last time (‘cause she had an easier time of it with the skin problems). This time, she followed the instructions correctly and she’s breaking out again.

Her research nurse, Kathy, was back today and thorough as ever. Laura really appreciates how much time Kathy takes with her.

Tonight, she still has taste buds!!! So, she and Steve are going to eat Mexican for dinner.

Even though there are some things that are frustrating to her, she’s “lucky to have such a wonderful caring family and friends!”

The pictures today are of things she does to keep herself entertained. :-)


Unknown said...

Hey Mrs. Laura,

Keep on fighting and stay healthy! Spring is just around the corner.


genderist said...

GO TEAM GO! You're in our prayers!!

Renee Collins said...


Zuneamama said...

Thanks to all of you. I love reading the comments!