Look at that beautiful toe! ☺ Notice those letters? See what they say? They stand for GoFightWin!
I am heartbroken to report that the reason she got those letters painted on her toes is because she was diagnosed on Thursday with Acute Myeloid Leukemia.
But I tell you what! Her fighting spirit is still there and she's giving it all she's got.
She was admitted to the hospital yesterday and will be there for at least 4 or 5 weeks. After that, she'll have to go back for more chemo and will have to be admitted each time because the chemo will "knock her off her feet."
Because of the high chance of infection during treatment, she won't be allowed to have many visitors and those she has will have to wear masks, etc. She can't have flowers in her room or fresh fruit. But! She can have cards and letters and e-mails. And, prayers are always allowed!
As our former GoFightWin! 3-Day teammate, Debbie said : this leukemia "picked the wrong one to mess with."
I hate that we have to start this blog again, but I love that it's be written again, Carrie. Please don't hesitate to contact the Collins family all the way in Wisconsin if y'all need anything.
we are facing the future with warm courage and high hopes. gfw.
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