Monday, April 13, 2009

Seven Down, One to Go

This Thursday Laura goes in for her LAST (yippee!) chemo treatment.

She's not looking forward to it.... Don't misunderstand. She thinks the people are great... the nurses, the patients, the doctors... But she's just plain tired of getting poked and having that poison interrupt her life.

From my perspective, she's been a really good sport. She's faced all the unpleasantries with grace and poise. And, while she hasn't denied that it's been UN-FUN, she's put up with it way better than I think I would.

Please pray for Laura. Pray that this Thursday would be okay. Pray that the side effects will be miraculously less awful than usual. Pray for her as she faces the upcoming surgery (which I have mentioned, she isn't looking forward to..)....

Thanks, again, for the love you've shown to her in so many ways. You have made this much more bearable for her.


genderist said...

We're sending all kinds of good vibes your way for this last treatment! We can't wait to celebrate with you when this whole ordeal is over!

Rosa said...

Laura you are constantaly in my thoughts and prayers. I always check the blog for Carrie's updates. I will be thinking of you Thursday. Un abrazo fuerte, Rosa

Renee Collins said...

Hello my dear friend. Just wanted to stop by and let you know that I will be thinking about you on Thursday. GFW!

Tobi said...
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Rosa said...

Hula hula, dropped in to let you know I'm thinking about you today. It's beautiful day today and I know many thinking and praying for you today that all goes well, last one!

Un abrazo fuerte, Rosa