Friday, February 4, 2011


Laura's platelet count went up! The doctors have not confirmed that it absolutely means that engraftment is taking place, but they did say it's a good sign.

Her body JUST  might give her a very good birthday present tomorrow!!

Prayn'. Prayin'. Prayin'!



Well, i have seen the great news on the blog, i knew you were going to make it thru this hyrtle, even though i know we have a little ways to go, as tomorrow is another wonderful day for someone who is very dear to me and i just want you to know i really wanted to come see you today , but i just could not get it togehter.happy birthday and we love you!!!

kcmellette said...

Sounds GREAT! Laura is tough! Have a great birthday Laura.

Zuneamama said...

thanks girls. I'll be statisfied if I can just get up and eat something. ☺

Sandra said...

I told you God was smiling in those photos! Continue to hold his hand Laura, He will help you with all of this!