Thursday, October 21, 2010

While I still have access to a computer...'s the latest:

  • Laura gets to go home for the weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (but she'll need to go back on Monday) The rules are that she must wear her mask and a hat and she can't have visitors.
  • She'll have five more rounds of chemo (which I think is called the consolidation phase) and each time she receives the chemo, she'll have to be in the hospital. As long as things go well, she can go home in between rounds.

I'm going in just a little while to Emory to have my blood drawn to see if I'm a bone marrow match. Mary has already done that and Robert will do it also. We're hoping that she won't have to have a transplant, but we're also hoping that if she does, one of us will be a match for her.

And, then later today, Clif and I will head to Lake Lanier so I can practice carrying the "My Sister" flag for the 3-Day. After that, hopefully a good night's sleep and then it's a whole lotta walkin' for us over the next few days!!

Thankful for the many blessings of this day. GoFightWin!!!

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