Thursday, September 20, 2012

Laura's been havin' a time with the silly ol' Graft vs. Host disease. 

Her eyes still hurt, her joints hurt and the steroid induced diabetes is a problem, too.

Please pray that the medicine that she rec'd a few weeks ago will really kick in and give her some relief.  Pray that the GVHD will leave her body and give her some peace.

She's planning to go to New York in October to see Emily's play. Please pray that she feels good enough to make the trip and that she can relax and really enjoy the trip, too.

I, personally, am tired of sickness. I'm praying that she is healed completely. 

Please pray with me.


Gramma Sally said...

Thanks for asking for prayer. Prayer is so powerful. It comes with love.
Cheers to all.

kcmellette said...

Know that I am praying. Laura is so tough and truly an inpiration. You are too, Carrie.