Friday, January 20, 2012

Just a quick update on Laura:

She went yesterday to have her one-year-from-transplant appointment.

She had lab work and a dexa scan to determine bone density. Won't know the results of those until next week.
They also did a bone marrow biopsy. She was given 5 immunizations. (When she had the transplant she lost all her previous vaccinations. Had to start over.)

The doctor says that her numbers are good except for one which sort of determines if there might be some Graft vs. Host. She has some mouth sores but, according to her, it hasn't prevented her from eating or gaining 20 lbs. ☺

Because of the possibility of Graft vs. Host, she'll have to stay on the steroids for at least 2 more weeks or until the numbers come up.

The boot camp she was doing has to be put on hold as long as she's on steroids.  She says: "I guess I don't mind not killing myself every Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday." 

Her hip bone from the biopsy and her left arm are sore, but that's pretty much it.
Thank you for keeping up with her. I, personally, think she's done quite well with all that's happened in the past few years! She's pretty remarkable!
Love you, people!

1 comment:

kcmellette said...

Great News! I certainly am praying for her and you and your family.