Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Laura has received the pre-evaluation schedule for the transplant.

On January 3rd, she goes to Emory and they'll do all kinds of tests: physical, lab work, a CT of her chest/sinus, lumbar puncture, and a bone marrow biopsy. (That's all in ONE DAY.) Then on Tuesday, January 4th, she'll have an echocardiogram and then an EKG and then at the end of the day she'll have a pulmonary function test.

It sounds like a lot. It IS a lot.

And, then, (I think I'm right, but Laura can correct me in the comments) if all of that looks good, she'll have four days of intensive chemo which will be followed by the transplant.

The truth is that the after-effects of the transplant can be VERY unpleasant. I don't fully understand it, but there is a period of adjustment where the donor marrow kind of rebels against her body.

Please pray with me that Laura's body will welcome the new marrow with open arms. Pray that the donor marrow will feel like it has arrived at home. Pray that the transition will be smooth and with as little discomfort as possible...I would love it (TRULY LOVE IT) if this transplant was miraculously uneventful and pleasant. (I believe in asking for what you want.)

Please pray that Laura will be at peace over the next few weeks and that the Christmas season will be full of joy and fun things.

Thank you all for supporting Laura and the rest of her family. There is no way you can ever know how much it means to us.

Wishing you a very happy Christmas and wishing all of us an amazingly wonderful 2011!!



Sandra said...

Everyone at LCHS will continue to pray for all good things for Laura. We will also pray for her entire family. We know that she's a fighter and that all will go well and we look forward to her (and her new marrow) coming back and being a part of our family too!

Carrie said...

♥♥♥♥♥♥ to you,Sandra!

Zuneamama said...

The 4 days of intense chemo will not actually start until the week of January 17th. All this depends on the donors schedule.