Tuesday, January 12, 2010

♪ ♫ Cel - e - brate Good Times ♪ ♫

"Good times" might be a stretch, but there was much celebration on the day of Laura's last infusion.... Here are some photos of the day.

Weeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaww! Last infusion!

Look at all that hair!! Time for a trim!

Friends and family gathered for a celebration dinner at "The Catch."

Check out the cake: "Beat Breast Cancer 10 - 4... Over and out!"

(Way to "capture Laura in cake," whoever arranged for that! ☺ )

Go Fight Win!

I love you, Laura!


Lisa said...

I wish I could have been there!!!

Zuneamama said...

Emily arranged for the cake stuff. And I wish Lisa you could have been there too! I missed you!