Monday, October 26, 2009

Just a quick note...

Team GOFIGHTWIN! completed the Breast Cancer 3-Day yesterday. It was an AMAZING experience.

We have lots of pictures to share ....and perhaps a story or two, but those will come when a real computer is available to me.

For now, know that ALL of us on the team appreciate your support.


Deb Bruner said...

It was definitely an amazing experience. Great Thursday night hosts, awesome opening ceremony, hills, rocks, blisters, black and blue toenails, pot-a-potties,medical tent, 'bird' sandwiches, watered-down gatorade, shower trucks, rain, the GoFightWin spirit to finish the walk, cold Sunday morning, dance party, cheer stations, little pink tents, 'world record number of snoring campers', dancing motorcycle patrol, the amazing feeling inside stadium holding area, the emotional closing ceremonies .. just to name of few things that we will remember.. but most importantly the great memories made. I enjoyed every minute..

Carrie said...

Well said, Debbie!

Zuneamama said...

I enjoyed every minute too...except when I dropped my head light into the porta potty. There was no way I was going in after that even though I could see it! Just like you said Debbie..."there went $5 down the toilet!"☺